Some people create from scratch; Nicole McLaughlin creates from scraps. In a style that combines cool with kitsch, she repurposes vintage and iconic sportswear and transforms waste into shoes or other wearable items, delivering an imaginative spin on upcycling and sustainability. From flip-flops made out of ice-cube and sushi trays, to slippers formed from deconstructed soccer and tennis balls, her reconstructions add another layer to the practice of ready-mades. As Pharrell says best, “She reconstructs everyday elements into familiar objects, reminding you to see everything in your orbit a little differently.”

ABOUT Nicole Mclaughlin

Based in New York, Nicole McLaughlin works as an independent designer who frequently collaborates with sportswear giants and high-end brands alike. Growing up playing sports, then studying design, she began reworking materials as a hobby that gradually evolved into a widely-followed creative practice. Nicole hosts workshops and is developing a non-profit that will offer design resources to young people.